Nearest Railway Station: Sarnath
Nearest Airport: Babatpur
About the Centre:
Ayushya Ganga Ayurved helps people to improve lifestyle and various disease will be cured with help of Ayurveda, Panchakarma and Yoga.
Speciality of Hospital: Skin & joint disorders
- Basti Karma
- Virchana Karma
- Vamana Karma
- Nasya Karma
- Rakta Moksha Karma
- Pizzichil
- Netra Tarpana
- Shirodharra
- Localized Bastis
- Other Treatments: Relaxation Therapy
Accomodation facilities: General and special rooms
Price details: 3000-4000/ day
Source of food: From own garden
Is food organic?: Yes
Is white sugar served?: No
Are nightshades served?: No
Is chilli served?: No
Is there any pollution in the vicinity?: No
Noise in the vicinity?: No
Are there cell phone towers?: No
Is vaastu applied?: Yes
How is the Vaastu of the land and building? All things are according to Vaastu Shastra
Source of Information: Ayushya Ganga Ayurved & Panchakarma Treatment Cetre