The National Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine is located 70 minutes north of Manhattan in Brewster, New York and rests on six and one half acres of land.
The NIAM facility is a 7000 square foot spacious building which serves as Dr.Gerson's medical practice where patients can consult with him in a quiet focused environment and also obtain comprehensive Panchakarma detoxification treatments. Eventually, we hope it to be a School cum residential Panchakarma Retreat Center as well as a research facility and center for educational seminars and workshops.
Currently, these other activities exist in separate facilities including our research laboratory in Farmingdale, NY. Many medicinal plants used in Ayurveda grow on the property. The NIAM Research Library is one of the largest collections of Ayurvedic literature in the United States and includes writings and research reports in English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Malayalam, Tamil, and several other dialects. The kitchen, food preparation and dining areas were specifically designed for teaching purposes.

The following Ayurvedic Day Spa services are available by appointment seven days a week at NIAM´s Brewster: Abhyanga (Full Body Ayurvedic Massage), Shirodhara, Swedana, Soundaryam Vardhini (Ayurvedic Facial Enhancement), Shirovasti (Head Bath), Pizhichili, Pinda Sweda, Udvarthanam (Flower Petal Massage), Lepana (Herbalized Mud Treatment), Kativasti (Deep Back Treatment), Lavanam (Ayurvedic Style Salt Scrub), Basti karma, Virchana karma, Vamana karma, Nasya karma, Netra tarpana, Localized bastis, Shirobasti and Panchakarma Therapy.
This hospital offers special treatments for; neurodegenerative diseases, joint disease, multiple sclerosis, parkinson's disease and chronic fatigue.

Dr. Gerson’s medical practice is unique in that he is both a highly qualified, extremely well-informed internist as well as this nation’s most experienced and credentialed Ayurvedic physician. Both perspectives will be employed in order to be certain to address your particular condition in the most prudent and comprehensive manner.
All patients are examined in the traditional Ayurvedic manner. In addition, if warranted, blood tests, urine tests, cardiograms, CT scans and other modern diagnostic tools are used to clarify one’s condition as much as possible. As in any authentic Ayurvedic medical practice treatments, as detailed below, may include herbal therapies, dietary recommendations, ongoing yoga therapies, meditation practices, lifestyle modification, massage and other forms of body work, Ayurvedic marma and needling therapies, and individualized detoxification programs.
Dr. Gerson has been practicing clinical Ayurvedic Medicine for nineteen years and is now well-known for specializing in diagnostically difficult cases which are generally referred to him through conventional physicians, other alternative health care providers, and word of mouth. However, Ayurveda offers an excellent approach to many, many simpler conditions and diseases for which modern medicine has no solution.
We offer clean, modern rooms with antique accents. Here single and double rooms available.
We provide only organic food and we do not serve white sugar, nightshades & chilli. Most food comes from our local organic farm (Ryder Farm).
There is no air and noise pollution in the surrounding area. It is in quiet, clean, serene setting in a hilly terrain and isolated from noise and pollution.
There is no cell phone tower near by this centre.
The fee for an initial visit to consult with Dr. Gerson is $325. This includes a full hour with him and an additional 20-30 minutes subsequently with the Patient Educator if required. Normal charge is $2800 / week.
The following Ayurvedic Day Spa charges for the following treatments: Abhyanga (Full Body Ayurvedic Massage) - 60 min. one therapist $115/60 min. two therapists $225, Shirodhara (“Third-eye Drip”) Abhyanga + Shirodhara - 90 min. one therapist $185/90 min. two therapists $295, Abhyanga + Shirodhara + Swedana (“Steam Treatment”) - 1 hour 45 min. one therapist $230/1 hour 45 min. two therapists $325, Soundaryam Vardhini (Ayurvedic Facial Enhancement) - 60 min. one therapist $115/, Soundaryam Vardhini (Ayurvedic Facial) + Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Full Body Massage) - 2 hours one therapist $225/2 hours two therapists $320, Shirovasti (Head Bath) + Abhyanga Ayurvedic Full Body Massage) - 90 min. one therapist $185/90 min. two therapists $295, Pizhichili - 60 min. one therapist $115/60 min. two therapists $225.
Pinda Sweda + Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Full Body Massage) - 90 min. one therapist $185/90 min. two therapists $295, Udvarthanam (Flower Petal Massage) - (Shirodhara + Udvartanam) - 60 min. one therapist $110, (Abhyanga + Udvartanam) - 60 min. one therapist $185 (two therapists $295), (Abhyanga + Shirodhara + Udvartanam) 90 min. one therapist $225 (two therapists $320), Lepana (Herbalized Mud Treatment) + Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Full Body Massage) - 90 min. one therapist $185/90 min. two therapists $295, Kativasti (Deep Back Treatment) + Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Full Body Massage) - 90 min. one therapist $185/90 min. two therapist2 $295, Lavanam (Ayurvedic Style Salt Scrub) - 90 min. one therapist $185/90 min. two therapists $295.
The charges for the following packages are: Abhyanga (Full Body Ayurvedic Massage) + Shirodhara + Steam Treatment - 1 hour 45 min. one therapist $230/1 hours 45 min. two therapists $325, Abhyanga + Shirodhara + Steam Treatment + Soundaryam Vardhini (Ayurvedic Facial) - 2 hours 30 min. one therapist $285/2 hours 30 min. two therapists $380, Pizhichili + Shirodhara + Steam Treatment - 1 hour 45 min. one therapist $230/1 hour 45 min. two therapists $325, and Panchakarma Therapy - 2 hours 45 min. two therapists $400.