The centre offers basti karma, virchana karma, vamana karma, nasya karma, rakta moksha karma, pizzichil, netra tarpana, shirodharra, localized bastis, Manzal kizhi, Nawara kizhi, Pacha kizhi, Poti kizhi and Upanah.
No of Doctors: 4
The centre provides organic food with no chillies, nightshades and white sugar. List of Food is prescribed by the Vaidya and menu is selected by the patient.
The centre provides single room ( both non A/C and A/C) to patients. They are wel maintained by the house keeping team of the hospital.
Thick coarse hair to normal. Normal hair to sparse and fine ones...
6 yrs of severe hairloss has been quite a traumatic journey for me.. Various allopathic and homeopathic treatment hardly had any long term impact. One topical homeopathy treatment (don't whether it worked for my hair loss or not) ended up making my hair strand unbelievably thin, fine and very much prone to breaking.
Finally I decided to look back to Nature for relief. I underwent 10 days of Takra Dhara at Astang Ayurveda. Frankly, I had been sceptical about the idea of handing over my head with so little hair left to the staff there. But for the first 2 days, I had to lose no more than my normal hairloss per day. It gradually resulted in fewer strands every time I combed, oiled or shampooed my hair.
Today is the 10th n the last day of the Dhara and I must say that the number of hair I lose now is somehow close to normal.
I just hope it is the last treatment for hairloss I have taken till date. I thank Dr. Ambika and his team for giving me this ray of hope when I had none left.
Astang Ayurveda has miles to go... I like the hospitality very much. All is well here. one should visit the center to regenerate and rejuvenate..........
Thanks to Dr. A.P Nayak along with his team.
it is one of the premier ayurvedic treatment centres of Orissa. Strategically located in the heart of capital city of Bhubaneswar having fully trained and competent staff to deal with old and recurrent health problems. Their very approach to treatment is vey authentic and traditional.
I have this centre many times during my stay at bhubaneswar and found the treatment very effective.
I had been to Astang Ayurveda hospital for my grand mother's PID treatment. I really appreciate its treatment pattern, genuine way of costing the treatment, the charity, the hospitality inside the hospital. We are very much thankful to Dr A P Nayak and his team.
Kindly note all reviews are subjective opinion of the authors and not of we are simply providing a facility for the public to share their experiences.