PANCHAKARMA GUIDE » LOCATIONS » INDIA » MAHARASHTRA » BOMBAY » Ayushakti Ayurved Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


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Ayushakti Ayurved Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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It is located in Malad, suburb of Mumbai, Maharashtra. This centre is spread over a total area of about 15000 square feet & comprises of OPD (Out Patient Department).

About this Centre:

Ayushakti Ayurved Pvt. Ltd. is an ISO 9000-2001 certified company, established in the year 1987. Ayushakti doctors are pioneer in Pulse reading, Health Services, manufacture of Ayurvedic herbal food supplements and personal care products which also has an international distribution. Ayushakti has a state-of-the-art modern Health Centre with a traditional touch to it in Malad, suburb of Mumbai, offering Health Care Services and Products through the use of the ancient and authentic Indian wisdoms and sophisticated health care facilities.



The treatments offered by this centre are; Spinal Dhara, Heart Dhara, Shirodhara, VAMANA (The Emesis), VIRECHANA (The Purgation), BASTI (The Enemas), NASYA (The Err Hines), RAKTA MOKSHAN (The Venesection), Kidney  Dhara, Netra Basti. At Ayushakti Health Centres, the practice of Ayurveda offers several recommendations for accomplishing Total Health comprising of: Herbal Remedies, Diet, Lifestyle, Panchakarma, Marma, Home Remedies. Panchakarma and Marma Chikitsa are the two most important treatments in Ayurveda. Dr. Naram and his core team of Ayurvedacharyas have cured many critical conditions without performing any surgery but only through the application of Marma Chikitsa.

Ayushakti_Treatments 2.jpg


The visionaries of Ayushakti Dr. Pankaj Naram and Dr. Smita Naram, the world renowned Pulse Readers successfully helped more than half a million people from 108 countries suffering from Asthama, arthritis, diabetes, psoriasis, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, back pain, fibromyalgia, obesity, infertility, high Blood pressure, skin problem, epilepsy and many other chronic health challenges. We have a team of highly qualified and caring Ayurvedic physicians at the Ayushakti Clinic in Mumbai who have been trained by the Narams. The doctor’s healing energy and love help everyone heal with unwavering commitment to their profession and patients.

Dr. Pankaj Naram has received numerous awards internationally for his groundbreaking work in spreading Ayurveda on this planet. They give consultations and lectures at various clinic points throughout the world. His skill in pulse diagnosis and Marma Chikitsa are unparalleled. In his own words, Dr. Pankaj Naram, was a qualified Ayurvedic doctor more than twenty three years ago


Our Swad Shakti Café provides delicious and nourishing meals. The food there is delicious and catered to each person’s needs during their treatment.


We have set up the eight rooms on the third floor as fully air-conditioned and tastefully furnished with all the amenities, including private bathrooms. At Ayushakti, we believe that an atmosphere of love & warmth for all our guests aids in the healing process. This is one of the aspects that we feel is most important for your comfort. During your stay with us, Ayushakti is your home and you become a member of our Ayurveda family. A tranquil terrace garden filled with plants and small trees soothes the senses and offers a place to read or be still during the healing process.

It is important to rest during the Panchkarma process and our comfy accommodations allow for deep and satisfying relaxation. The Ayushakti administrative offices are located in the basement area along with a Cyber Cafe and a hall dedicated to meditation, yoga and educational seminars.


Price Details:





Single Room Non A/C

Rs 2750


Single Room A/C

Rs 3500


Double Room A/C

Rs 4150


Double Room Non A/C

Rs 3400










* Check in time 12.00 Mid-night.
* The tariff would include free airport transfers (two way), internet / wifi charges, locker charges as per international standards.
* Registration:  Rs.5000/- (4 Weeks per person) & Rs.1000/- extra every additional week.
* Herbs / Medicines: As per prescription.
* Panchkarma Food: Approx Rs.700/- per day.
* Panchkarma Treatment: Approx Rs.2000/- per day.
* The rates are subject to change. Kindly avoid check in on Sundays as our doctors are not available.

Herbal Products:

The ISO 9000-2001 certified modern manufacturing plant in Palghar, an industrial town about a hundred kilometers from Mumbai, admeasuring 10,000 square feet, is equipped with modern machinery and a Quality Control Laboratory. Modern medical norms are strictly followed to manufacture authentic herbal formulations, including tablets, liquids, creams and powder. These products have also been certified by the respective Health Authorities of the many countries to which they have been exported. Our herbal formulas have been used by more than 500,000 people worldwide and proven effective for both preventing and relieving a vast array of chronic problems such as: arthritis, asthma, depression, anxiety, fear and phobias, skin diseases, aging, Alzheimer’s, loss of memory, spondylosis, post accident pains, heart problems, immune system problems, obesity, chronic fatigue, viral infections, liver problems, colitis, PMS, menopausal symptoms, male & female infertility, and many other health-related problems.

The Ayushakti products are manufactured under the strict supervision of technically qualified personnel and tested for heavy metals, micro-organisms, and other international parameters according to authoritative health guidelines. Only ingredients carrying the Ayushakti quality seal are used. Ayushakti goes the extra mile to ensure quality control in manufacturing their wide array of authentic Ayurveda herbal remedies worldwide.


Other Facilities:

We provide the thermos flasks in your room with safe drinking water (hot and cold); these can be refilled in the restaurant. The water from the tap is filtered, so you can use it for brushing your teeth. Our in-house pharmacy and shop is well stocked with Ayurvedic soap, cream, oil and shampoo if you would like to buy any of these body care products. Picture postcards available in the pharmacy, you can also use phone, fax and e-mail in the clinic. If you wish, you can safely deposit any of your valuables in our office locker with minimum charges of Rs.10/- per day.

Source of Information: Ayushakti Ayurved Centre website



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Dravyaguna Sutramala

A Handbook of Medicinal Plants

Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases in Ayurveda (In 5 Parts)


Panchsakar Churan (60 gms)

Arthplus Capsules (60 Capsules)

Joshina (100ml)

Contact Details
Ayushakti Ayurved Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Address: 563 (1&2), Bhadran Nagar Cross Road, No.2, Off S.V. Road, Opposite Milap Cinema, Malad (West), Mumbai - 400064, Maharashtra.
Phone: +91 22 28065757, +91 22 28065749, +91 22 28062323
Fax: +91 22 28065748
Vedic Society Review(What's this?)
Review of Ayushakti Ayurved Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India:
A favorite place with people from around the world coming for a very beautifully done and quite affordable Panchakarma. Despite being in Bombay the consciousness and quality of the doctors and the place is very high.
Reviews of Ayushakti Ayurved Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India:
Review by KA Thursday 25 February, 2016
I have been to Ayushkati for a four week Panchakarma treatment. It was affordable and effective. The rooms were comfortable and well appointed. I question the wisdom of having a TV in the room but I guess that is personal choice. The treatments were good, with good treatment cubicles and staff. The only downside was the constantly changing treatment staff, so you never had a team that got to know you and your body. At other places the treatment staff were actual doctors and worked with you every day. Access to the doctors was frustrating. Having to take a ticket and wait in outpatients in your robe after treatments was not ideal and the system was not effective. In other clinics the doctor came to the room which was much more preferable. There is a huge focus on herbal medicines both during treatment and after. Having been to other clinics I now realise this focus is excessive. I was instructed to take over 40 tablets during treatment and purchased a similar amount for Rasayana after treatment. I do not think this level of focus is appropriate. All in all very affordable, good treatment and food, but in the suburbs of Mumbai so not a peaceful location and too much of a focus on tablets.

Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]
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Review by Breeze Thursday 11 February, 2016
I have both good and bad things to say about Ayushakit and Dr Deepali from Dadar.

Good - The medicines are effective. They are good and proved effective on my mom, my aunty and my grannies till the time they used it.

Bad - The medicines are super expensive and not within the reach of common man.

Worse - Super commercialization. From the moment you walk into Dr Deepali's clinic this lady Dr Deepali talks complete business. Even if you sneeze in front of her she would sell you 10 medicines to cure that.

My Experience - Dr Deepali suggested me to do panchkarma to solve my skin problems but gave me in the hands of inexperienced personnel. So all it lead to was me having anal fissure as the panchkarma guy inserted some pipe in my anus to clean my bowels. but he inserted it so bad that I started bleeding. When I spoke to Dr Deepali about it she prescribed me 10 more medicines to cure my fissure which unfortunately did not get cured and I stopped her treatment. But ended up visiting a piles doctor to get operated by paying a bomb. As far as the panchkarma was concerned it did no good to my skin problems. All I realized was that my karma punched me back really hard. So stay away from ayushakti punch-karma.

Rating: 1 of 5 Stars! [1 of 5 Stars!]
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Review by Julie Rawnsley Tuesday 18 December, 2012
I am an Ayurvedic Practitioner working in the UK. I studied at University in the Uk and in Karnataka for clinical experience. I have also studied pulse diagnosis at Ayushakti in Mumbai and been a Panchakrma patient there, so I think I can judge what is hype and what is real Ayurveda in action.

Personally I have learnt far more from working with doctors at Ayushakti than in my formal Ayurvedic training. I am getting good results with my patients using the pulse diagnosis and Ayushakti medicines, diet avice, marma etc. I use them myself, so I know they work!

Rating: [0 of 5 Stars!]
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Review by Manjusri Saturday 21 August, 2010
I have been a patient of Ayushakti for six years and put (naively, I realise now) complete faith in the doctors abilities and treatment.

My first PK at Ayushakti was transforming; all my health conditions where 'solved' and I was thrilled. My new found health and happiness meant that I followed the diet and lifestyle instructions as recommended by Ayushakti without fault - of course, I wanted to preserve my sense of well being.

Six months after this first PK however, I developed a yellow-toned skin particularly on my hands, face and feet. Various alternative doctors put it down to carotene overdose (I did love papaya) but, even when I cut papaya out, my colour did not improve. I returned to Ayushakti (and saw various Ayurvedic doctors in between) and all put the yellowness, insatiable appetite and excess mucous down to Pitta. I continued to follow the prescriptions and regimes.

As time went by, my symptoms worsened. I developed melasma on the skin, amenorrhoea, very low energy and depression. I had also over the years broken several bones and been diagnosed with low bone density (at the age of 29) and was treating this with Ayushakti too. I do think that the bone density issue existed previous to my first PK, but certainly with correct advice at this early stage, I am sure its long standing effect could have been greatly curbed.

In May 2009 I was knocked off my bike and broke 3 bones; the shock of the accident, plus already extremely low energy reserves, sent my body into total decline. I went to another Ayurvedic clinic in South India, who made my condition severely worse. After being fed litres of ghee and having an insufficient virechan to remove the ghee, I returned home bright yellow, lost 10 kgs (I had only weighed 54 kgs when I arrived) and had difficulty breathing. I resigned from my work, packed up my life in London for a pause, and went to Ayushakti for 5 weeks to sort myself out.

My PK there was extremely helpful - they helped me out of the dire depression, my yellowness did improve, my skin improved dramatically - I was very pleased I had gone (and still am pleased).

On returning home however, I still felt extremely tired, I was still having breathing problems, my period had not returned, and I was still going yellow. Not willing to give up on natural healing, I went to see a phytochemist called Dr Claudia Louch in London. After full blood tests we found that I had been suffering from a severe deficiency in iron and specifically B12 (for those in the know, my Intrinsic Factor levels are healthy) resulting purely from malnourishment. B12 deficiency can show (amongst other symptoms) as jaundice, amenorrhoea, breathing difficulties, nervous disorder (which I was experiencing as numbness in the hands and feet), melasma on the skin, hair falling, high acidity (Pitta), AND low-bone density (megaloblastic anaemia); all of which had been expressed to Ayushakti over the years.

I am not saying that my dire health condition was all the fault of Ayushakti, we make our own diet and lifestyle choices at the end of the day. However, as professional doctors treating and advising people with serious conditions on diet and lifestyle, as doctors who allow patients to place complete trust in them, their skills are extremely questionable.

A week after starting B12 injections, and slowly altering my diet to include organic eggs, fish and meat, my period returned (I had not had a normal period in more than a year) and the yellowness literally vanished. Five months later and my cycle is completely normal again, my hair is no longer falling out, my memory is improved, I have energy, I'm not depressed, I'm no longer mucousy, I'm not constipated, and my skin is very slowly improving. Full healing will take time - it is wonderful to see my world waking up again.

Would I return to Ayushakti? I've not yet decided. It's a very relaxing place to be, I always feel incredible when I leave, the food is good, the guests are often very nice and, after four visits (over six years), I have very good memories there. I may go for a 3 week rest, detox and relaxation... but I would certainly not trust their opinion regarding any conditions again.

My experience has however made me question - do we really know the long term effects of PK? Sure, in the short term I always feel wonderful post Ayushakti-PK (I certainly can't say the same for the South India place), it seems though that the long term results have been far from desirable.

Rating: 3 of 5 Stars! [3 of 5 Stars!]
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Review by Shrii Saturday 21 August, 2010
There is a huge hype with many miraculous claims surrounding the founder of Ayushakti, Pankaj Naram but it seems he is not schooled classically in Ayurveda at all and relies mostly on a more showman approach. Nadi Vidya or Pulse Diagnosis is just a tiny fraction of subjective diagnostic tools, but here there is a huge hype about the pulse. When I had my pulse read with Pankaj half was right and half was not so what is the point in a diagnostic tool that is only 50% accurate. Of course many diseases are very common these days so someone could easily get 50% just by speculating. It seems there is too much hype here and too little substance. When questioning Pankaj about basics on Ayurveda that even a 1st year student would know he quickly changed the subject so something seems highly misleading here. The hype seems to help though as people get pulled in and seem to get good results at least initially while they are mesmerized with the charm but Ayurveda is a very scientific system that does not need moods to heal it needs a doctor (Vaidya) to be properly schooled in the very fundamentals of the science, to live those fundamentals them self and to apply them in their treatment.

Many patients I have spoke with have had a mixed effect there and it seems this place really runs on it's hype. They are doing a lot correct, the restaurant has better food than 99% of the Ayurvedic centers in India, the building has a good feeling for an urban setting, the doctors working there seem sincere, though over the years they seem to have a huge staff turnover in general which is highly strange with many stories of disgruntled former staff members.

So all in all it's not all it is made out to be, there is a lot of reliance on creating a mood and hype focusing on the pulse diagnosis which is really used as a gimmick here to get you hooked.

Rating: 2 of 5 Stars! [2 of 5 Stars!]
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Review by harmandeep singh saini Sunday 15 November, 2009
panchkarma is a good therapy but here it is expensive for a common man though the benefits may be immense

Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]
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Review by M.G. Tuesday 06 May, 2008
I was attending the world social forum in Bombay and decided to go to Ayushakti simply for an Ayurvedic meal. I had heard about it online before coming to India some months prior. Little did I know what that meal would lead to! As they say...out of the frying pan!

I decided to have a "checkup" with Dr. Metha, she felt my pulse very cordialy and said, you need to do I took her seriously and loved her gentle motherliness. Very special and sattvik soul she is. I always recall her words echoing "Panchakarma is a Tapas" when some patients had come requesting meat diet during treatment. More than anything this moved me very much. Also the story of how she had treated her father's heart condition considered incurable by allopathy.

So what endured was three blissfull weeks of intensive treatment in the care and love of Ayushakti. It was truly a deep cleanse. The Virechana took me to the deepest place I can recall in this earthly existence. I understood why she said it was a Tapas. The body is a temple, we are offering ghee, fire (steam), sneha (oil) to this body and purging and purifying the nadis (channels) the srotas (micro-channels).

What is the result ? It can only be enlightenment, consciousness, more energy, more will to be and to serve something higher.

It all happened at once. Now I understand why they call it Ayushakti.

It was really a powerful experience and I am happy to share with all. I pray the quality continues for all eternity the same. Perhaps someone can write a more recent review as this was in 2003/4.



Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
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Ayushakti Ayurved Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Sri Sri College of Ayurvedic Science & Research, Bangalore, Karnataka
Ayurveda Sanctuary, Karnataka, India
Ayur Veda
Ananda Clinic & Spa, Christchurch, New Zealand
Dada Saheb Surupsingh Naik Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Shri Suwalal Bafna, Dhule, Maharashtra
Arogyashri Ayurveda Panchakarma Hospital & Research Institute, Seoni, Madhya Pradesh
Ayuryoga Institute, Wortegem-Petegem, Belgium
Dr. Franklin's Panchakarma Institute & Research Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Shri Shivayogeshwar Rural Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Belgaum, Karnataka
Ayushakti Ayurved Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
I have been a patient of Ayushakti for six years and put (na ..
3 of 5 Stars!
dear friends at vedic society. this work is much needed to shine the light on panchakarma which in a...

Vaidya K Krishna
1.Ayurveda Sanctuary, Karnataka, India
2.Solai Panchakarma Treatment Centre, Vellore, Tamil Nadu
3.Atmasantulana Village, Near M.T.D.C., Karla, Maharashtra
4.Jiva Ayurveda Clinic and Panchakarma Centre, Faridabad, Haryana
5.Ayurveda Sanctuary, Udupi, Karnataka, India
6.Ayushakti Ayurved Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
7.Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved Charak Sansthan, Najafgarh, Delhi, India
8.Shri Dhanwantri Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh
9.The Arya Vaidya Chikitsalayam Clinic & Research Institute (AVC) – Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.
10.Shreepoorna Ayurveda Panchakarma Chikitsalaya, Mangalore, India
1.Solai Panchakarma Treatment Centre, Vellore, Tamil Nadu
2.Ayurveda Sanctuary, Karnataka, India
3.Shreepoorna Ayurveda Panchakarma Chikitsalaya, Mangalore, India
4.Atmasantulana Village, Near M.T.D.C., Karla, Maharashtra
5.Jiva Ayurveda Clinic and Panchakarma Centre, Faridabad, Haryana

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